How to Maintain Your Fuel Tanks

If you get bulk fuel delivered, you need to have a fuel tank to store it. Having fuel on-site can be a great benefit for your business, but you need to make sure to keep your fuel tanks maintained; water and other contaminants in your fuel tank can cause the fuel to degrade and cause problems with your equipment. Here are some ways that you can maintain your fuel tanks.

McIntosh Energy offers fuel delivery services for tanks of on-road and off-road diesel, gasoline, and kerosene.

Picture of a fuel storage tank - how to maintain your fuel tank

Avoid water

Water is one of the most common contaminants in fuel tanks. Here are a few ways to avoid or reduce your fuel’s exposure to water:

  • Insulate the tank to keep temperature stable and avoid condensation
  • Recycle fuel through water separators
  • Periodically remove the water that accumulates at the bottom of the tank

Clean regularly

Sludge can build up in your fuel tanks through regular use. It’s important to have fuel tanks thoroughly cleaned and dried periodically to get rid of that sludge build-up.

Treat for bacteria

Using preventative doses of EAP-approved diesel fuel biocides is important to maintain your fuel tanks. It can prevent the growth of microbes and bacteria in your fuel. But if you do end up with an overgrowth of microbes in your fuel tank, it is possible to filter and clean the fuel so it can still be used. A professional fuel cleaner will be able to help you.

Get It Delivered!

McIntosh Energy can deliver fuel directly to your site tank. There are countless benefits to getting your fuel delivered – you will be less stressed worrying about running out of fuel on your site, flexibility in delivery time, and cancel any time. To learn more about fuel delivery by McIntosh Energy, click here.

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