Pacific Pride Cards vs. Gas Station Cards for Fleets

If you manage a fleet, you might eventually ask the question, “Why should I use a Pacific Pride card instead of a gas station credit card?” The short answer is that Pacific Pride cards allow you to control your fleet better than gas station credit cards do. Here are just a few features of Pacific Pride cards.

More control

Do you want to restrict the geographic location where your drivers can purchase fuel? Or do you want to limit the types of fuel they can buy or how much they can spend at one time? What about limiting the days and times when fuel can be purchased? All of these (and more) are controls you have with Pacific Pride cards. You can even turn off cards instantly if you think they’ve been compromised.

Better reporting

A gas station credit card will only give you a basic credit card report – date and time, transaction location, and total spent. But a Pacific Pride card report will give you 12 pieces of information with each purchase:

  1. Card number
  2. Driver name
  3. Purchase
  4. Location
  5. Date + time
  6. Odometer reading
  7. MPG
  8. Product
  9. Quantity
  10. Discount
  11. Price per gallon
  12. Total amount of purchase

If the card is used at a McIntosh Energy fueling station, you will also get a photo of the driver. All of this information keeps you informed and lets you track trends and manage your fleet’s fueling activity.

More convenience

Pacific Pride has over 1,300 locations worldwide, as well as fueling capabilities at 58,000+ retail locations. The same billing standards apply wherever your fleet fuels up, and you will have access to an online access point where you can view fueling activity in real time.

Cheaper cost

If you get a Pacific Pride card through McIntosh Energy, you will get a discount on all fuel purchases at any retail location. There are also no annual fees, monthly fees, or even setup fees!

Ready to learn more about Pacific Pride cards for fleets? Visit this page or call Rich at 260-426-7676 x206.

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