It’s officially spring! The weather’s getting warmer, the spring rains are here, and it’s time to think about spring car maintenance. Ice, snow, salt, and sand can put your car in less than great shape. Here are a few quick, easy, and affordable maintenance tasks to get your car ready for spring.

Get a car wash
Residual salt and sand from treated winter roads can make your car rust, especially the undercarriage. Car washes aren’t usually a part of a maintenance checklist, but they’re important for spring car maintenance to prevent premature rust.
Change your wipers
Windshield wipers are supposed to be changed every six months, and you’ll need them working properly to deal with the spring rain. If it’s been a while or they’re just not working right, it’s time for new ones.
Check your battery
Starting your engine in cold weather puts a lot of strain on your car’s battery. Now that the weather’s warming up, you may not realize your battery is bad until you car won’t start. Head over to an auto parts store and ask them to check your battery, or have your mechanic do it next time you’re in for an oil change.
Test your tires
Changes in temperature can cause changes in tire pressure. Part of your spring maintenance tasks should be checking your tire pressure and making sure it’s what’s recommended in your car’s manual. (Tip: Use the recommended pressure in the manual, not the pressure listed on the tire. The pressure listed on the tire is the maximum pressure and inflating it that much puts your tire at risk for popping.)
Fill your fluids
You probably used a lot of windshield wiper fluid dealing with salted or sanded roads, and it probably needs topped off. Also check and make sure your coolant is topped up and isn’t too old. Coolant is important to prevent overheating as the temperature climbs, and old coolant will be less effective.