It’s almost summer! The weather’s warming up, school will be out soon, and if it ever stops raining, motorcycles will be out on the roads. Motorcycles are harder to see and more at risk for crashes, and motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a crash than someone in a passenger vehicle. This summer, avoid crashes and keep motorcyclists safe – here are some tips for driving safely around motorcycles.

Be aware
The first step of driving safely around motorcyclists is to be aware that they’re out there! Since they’re so much smaller than cars, they can be hard to spot, especially if you’re not looking for them. Remember the “look twice, save a life” campaign? Looking out for motorcycles, not just passenger vehicles, when you’re driving will keep you aware and prevent accidents.
Watch your blind spots
Blind spots are dangerous already, but add motorcycles to the mix and they can get deadly. Motorcycles fit perfectly into cars’ blind spots. If you’re not actively looking for them, you might not know they’re there until you hit them. Check your blind spots – not just your mirrors – every time you want to change lanes or make a turn.
Let them pass
Since motorcycles are so much smaller than other vehicles, it can be difficult to judge how close they are. If a motorcycle is trying to pass you, let them. And if a motorcycle is oncoming while you’re trying to make a turn, let them pass before you proceed.
Use caution when stopping
Since motorcycles are so small, they stop a lot faster than a passenger vehicle. They also sometimes don’t use brakes to slow down, so you might not see brake lights. Driving safely around motorcycles means watching ahead for potential stops and giving yourself lots of stopping distance in case the motorcycle in front of you has to stop suddenly.