We offer four different fuel types for delivery – on-road diesel, off-road diesel, gasoline, and kerosene. Each of these types of fuel has different uses and applications. The one thing they all have in common, though, is that if your business requires one (or more) of them to operate, getting a bulk fuel delivery (and therefore a bulk discount) will save you money!
Off-road diesel
Off-road diesel is designed to be used on off-road vehicles. Common uses include construction equipment and farm equipment. Off-road diesel is cheaper because it’s not taxed. (Getting a bulk discount by having it delivered makes it even cheaper.) The downside is it’s not legally allowed to be used in any vehicle that drives on roads (hence the name).
On-road diesel
On-road diesel is, as the name suggests, diesel fuel that is designed for in vehicles that will be driven on roads. It is also known as Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), and can be used in any vehicle that requires ULSD. It can also be used in anything that requires off-road diesel. On-road diesel is more expensive because it is taxed, but it’s the only diesel legally allowed to be used in vehicles that are driven on the road.
You’re probably familiar with gasoline – most passenger vehicles use it. The gasoline you get from a bulk fuel delivery is the same thing you’d get at a standard gas station. Many industries rely on vehicles or generators that are powered by gasoline, and getting bulk gasoline delivered gives them a bulk discount that makes it more affordable.
Kerosene is the least popular of our fuel types for delivery. Historically, it was used in oil lamps, and it’s often used for cooking in poorer countries. In America these days, it’s mostly used as a fuel oil for space heaters.