Sometimes companies/fleet managers will purchase a Fuel Card thinking that is enough, but usually it isn’t. In most cases, a Fleet Card is much more desirable. Your typical gas or fuel credit card won’t give you the controls you need to do the job. A fleet manager needs more than an itemized list of charges.
A Fleet Manager Needs Controls to Prevent Problems
Prevent problems before they happen. A Pacific Pride fleet card allows a fleet manager to control when a driver fuels and what kind of fuel each driver can use. These controls limit the driver before the driver even gets to the pump – potentially solving problems before they happen.
Stop problems as they happen. With the Pacific Pride fleet card, a fleet manager can monitor card activity. If a driver is taking advantage of the fleet card the fleet manager can place a hold on that card before the problem becomes bigger. Data tracking allows for quick response time.
Follow up on pain points. Even when we have an awesome team working towards a common goal, we can still have pain points. By tracking data and having as much information as possible, fleet managers are able to identify the source(s) of the problem(s). The fleet manager can use this type of data to discern changes that need to be made. He/she can take a proactive approach and add training or resources as needed.
We understand that most drivers are honest people working hard to make a decent living. We also know that dishonest or careless drivers can cost companies big money. A Fleet Card can help you weed out the dishonest drivers so that you can have more resources to focus and reward the honest drivers. Having a good team is essential to any business.
Our Pacific Pride Advantage Card offers all of these benefits and more. Learn more about the Pacific Pride Advantage Card here.