If your business has company vehicles or any sort of fleet, you’ll have costs for fueling and maintaining those vehicles. Fleet cards are designed to make that process easier and save you money – in fact, there are multiple fleet card benefits. In this post, we’ll tell you about just a few of them.
What Is a Fleet Card?
A fleet card is a type of payment card similar to a company credit card. The main differences are that a fleet card allows for much more detailed reporting of what it was spent on, and you can limit its use to only things related to fueling or maintenance for the company vehicles.
Why Use a Fleet Card?
Here are just a few fleet card benefits.
Spending control
Fleet cards make it easy to track which drivers are spending how much, on what, and where. You are also able to set limits on how much can be spent per transaction, a maximum number of transactions, and even limit the type of things the drivers can purchase with their fuel card.
Reduce fraud
It can be tempting for drivers to put their own purchases of convenience store items or even fuel for their personal vehicle on the company dime. Fleet cards allow you to set restrictions to avoid that.
No reimbursement program
With a fleet card, you won’t have to manage a reimbursement program, or spend man-hours matching expense reports to credit card statements and gathering and filing reimbursement receipts.
Detailed reporting
Fleet cards allow very detailed reporting – a line-by-line breakdown of where, on what, and when each driver made a purchase. Not only does this cut down on administrative tasks, it can help you see patterns like underperforming vehicles or drivers with bad driving habits.
Almost all gas stations across America accept fleet cards, and many offer discounts or rebates for using them.
McIntosh Energy is a Pacific Pride franchisee. Contact Rich at 260-426-7676 ext. 206 for more information about Pacific Pride fleet cards.